Cherimoya Benefits Tree, Seeds and How to Eat

Chirimoya or Cherimoya, in English also known as Custard Apples, are native to the Andean highlands of Peru. The Chirimoya looks like no other fruit; it’s heart-shaped with rough-textured but thin skin which varies from a yellow-green to a dark green. The inside is white, juicy and fleshy with a creamy custard like texture and … Read more

Kiss on the forehead: what does it mean?

It started with a kiss. Not only the title of a well-known album from the eighties, but also a common situation. Because the kiss is often the starting point of something beautiful, something loving, something that sparks from. A kiss on the mouth is often a clear sign of love, but when you get a kiss elsewhere, … Read more

Top 10 Best Mole Traps Reviewed (**2019 Edition**)

1. CINCH Traps-Medium Mole Trap Kit – Best mole killer trap The Cinch mole trap kit is a complete solution for eliminating moles and gophers from your garden or lawns. The brand has been known to be creating mole traps since 1909 and this one is amongst their best mole traps. The kit includes two … Read more


How to use peppermint oil for bed bugs. Essential Oils are all amazing! We acknowledge it! They resolve such a high number of issues which other goods (AND MEDICINES!) Can not start to resolve as efficiently, and they do it with fewer side effects and a much better smell than chemical options. If you’re”fatty”, or … Read more

Does Lavender Oil Keep Away Bedbugs?

Does lavender repel bed bugs?. Bedbugs are a few of the most dreaded insects which may ever invade your living area. When some pests, like roaches and rodents invade your meals, bedbugs goal you for meals. Aside from the painful bites along with the red aromas left behind, they’ll really bring about distress which will … Read more

What does it mean when a butterfly lands on you?

Butterfly Symbolism Butterflies have always held profound spiritual meaning in cultures across the globe, and the natural life cycle of a butterfly holds spiritual teaching and a lot of insight for man. It starts as an egg, which then becomes a caterpillar, before undergoing a metamorphosis that sees it retreat within a chrysalis before emerging … Read more


¿Qué es el ayuno y la oración? El ayuno por definición es la privación del alimento; pero en términos bíblicos, es también buscar un alimento superior. Como dijo Jesús “Entonces Jesús explicó: —Mi alimento consiste en hacer la voluntad de Dios, quien me envió, y en terminar su obra” (Juan 4:34 NTV). Entonces el ayuno … Read more