How to Visualise and Manifest Your Dreams in 3 Steps

To truly make changes in your life and to manifest your dreams, you need to redirect yourself and understand that real and lasting change starts on the inside.

Have you ever woken up exhausted and unable to function knowing that you once again have to suit up and show up for that dead-end job or something else you just do not want to do? Wondering where your life is going, you cry, get angry, and head straight for the Ben and Jerryʻs.

Here’s 3 simple steps to help you reflect, make some lasting changes in your life, and to manifest your dreams.

1. What is Your Vision?

Write your own dream life with the mindset that anything is possible!

Look within yourself to get clarity on what it is you really want. Prayer, meditation and journaling can help. And if youre still not clear, make it up!

There are so many ways to keep your desires at the forefront of your mind. You can create a vision board to hang over your desk, a Pinterest board to pin all the things you want on a special board, or a scrapbook with all your desires!

Be creative and have fun with it.

Here's 3 simple steps to help you reflect, make some lasting changes in your life, and to manifest your dreams.

2. What’s stopping you?

I never believed I was good enough and so I settled, settled and settled some more.

Take an honest look at what is blocking you from having what you want and deserve. This is the most important and hardest part to manifesting your dreams, believe me.

What you believe in your subconscious and conscious mind is going to manifest in your life experience whether you want it to or not. If you want a soul mate but you don’t believe you are lovable, your belief will stand in the way of your dream relationship. Instead, what will manifest are experiences that prove to yourself that you are unloveable.

How can you really take the leap of faith into your purpose if you donʻt believe you can make it?

Get clear on what you believe about yourself and make a choice to heal, forgive and release that which does not serve you. It can be painful but you are worthy and worth it!

And if you are anything like me, by this point you will have nothing to lose. Once you clean up your internal landscape, you’ll most likely get even more clear on your vision.

Here's 3 simple steps to help you reflect, make some lasting changes in your life, and to manifest your dreams.

3. Take action

Sometimes we get stuck.

This could be because we are afraid or lack faith as we cannot see how walking through one door may open up five more.

However you must be willing to take action.

Being afraid of the unknown, we feel the need to have all the answers before we start and therefore disregard guidance we perhaps don’t understand. We also get caught up in trying to figure everything out instead of trusting our hearts, our intuition, and our instincts to lead the way.

Make the commitment and take one step each day to move toward your vision.

Self-observation is an integrated part of my daily activity as I explore even more of who I am and take full ownership and accountability for my life.

Watch the momentum build and a new path start to unfold with delight.

As you go through this process remember to be patient with yourself. In a world of instant gratification, we tend to put the cart before the horse. But manifesting your dreams will take time. Be gentle and have faith that the universe is working behind the scenes. It is working in your favour – new opportunities WILL manifest effortlessly as a result of your inner work.

While you wait, remember to love yourself like no lover can. When the changes come, embrace them and know that you deserve every scrumptious bit. Then celebrate.

About Shannon Nicole

Shannon Nicole is a Visionary. She is also Healer and Published Author who is focused on contributing to the betterment of humanity and sustainability of the planet while living a life of passion and purpose. She nests on the island of Maui located among the Hawaiian archipelago in the Pacific. As an Author, her published works include her memoir Jaded Grace. More recently she’s joined Janine Ripper and Älska Publishing as a contributing author in bestseller Heart to Heart: The Path to Wellness.








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About Janine Ripper

I’m a mental health advocate, writer, blogger, digital marketer and mentor. I share my mental health ‘journey’, one of depression, anxiety, PTSD, burn out and recovery, as well as resources, advice and tips about self-care, wellness and how to survive being an adult!

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