halo around the moon

Entender los sueños es una curiosidad que mueve a millones de personas todos los dias a buscar, indagar en muchas culturas y por muchos medios su significado. Los sueños con seres queridos ya fallecidos se presentan cuando las personas se encuentran pasando por un momento difícil; de tristeza, incertidumbre, preocupación, y soledad. Es importante prestar atencion … Read more


tree of life meaning

The Tree of Life is a popular and universal symbol that represents multiple different things across various cultures and religions. The symbol does not belong to one specific culture as it has been used all over the world for centuries.   The tree is seen as a sacred symbol, which carries significant meanings in both religious and spiritual … Read more

What Does Ringing In The Ears Mean Spiritually

What Does Ringing In The Ears Mean Spiritually

What does it mean spiritually when your ears are ringing? High pitched vibrations can be a sign of spiritual awakening, but that necessarily does not have to be the case. However, since we are discussing the spiritual implications, we will discuss them in detail. So, can ringing ears as spiritual awakening mean something? It can … Read more

Red Cardinal Biblical Meaning

Red Cardinal Biblical Meaning

The Cardinal Bird Symbol in Christianity Birds, doves in particular, have long been a symbol of the holy spirit. Renderings of the holy spirit generally contain one of two elements, white light or red flames. The white dove represents the purity and peace in the light of the spirit and the red cardinal represents the … Read more