Help, my dog ​​has bladder stones!

Your dog has been diagnosed with bladder stones. What does the treatment of bladder stones look like?


First of all, it must be determined whether there is also a blockage or bladder stones. It is also necessary to determine the type of bladder stones involved. When there is a blockage, this is first remedied by means of special catheters and liquids. The dog is then given special diet food to dissolve the bladder stones in the bladder. 

This diet usually lasts 5 to 6 weeks. Then a diet food is prescribed that prevents bladder stones in the future. When the cause is physical, the dog should often be given this diet food for life. If the bladder stones have psychological causes, the reason for stress and / or fear must first be addressed. Often the dog can switch back to his normal diet.

When oxalate is diagnosed, the bladder grit can only be surgically removed. After surgery, the dog is prescribed diet food that prevents bladder stones in the future.  

When there is an inflammation, the vet can also prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.


Prevention is better than cure! How do you prevent your dog from getting bladder stones?

  • Make sure your dog has enough exhaust so that urine cannot concentrate.
  • Make sure there is always enough drinking water available. A drinking fountain can help tempt your dog to drink more.
  • Quality feed pleases much less salts. The less salt the dog takes in, the less chance he has of bladder stones.
  • When your dog drinks little, you can also give your dog canned food. Canned food (wet food) consists largely of water.

What are bladder stones?

Urine is produced in the kidneys, stored in the bladder and drained through the urethra. Urine drains water, dissolved proteins and excess minerals. Stones can form when there are more waste products in the urine than are dissolved. These stones can then block the urethra, leaving urine and waste products in the bladder.

What are the symptoms of bladder stones?

The symptoms resemble an infection or a bladder infection. There is blood in the urine and urination is difficult. Large stones can cause a blockage in the neck of the bladder, and small stones can be carried with the urine and get stuck. If there is a blockage in the neck of the bladder, your dog cannot completely empty his bladder. With a complete constipation, a dog can no longer urinate at all. You can look out for the following signs:

  • Your dog should urinate more often.
  • Your dog has trouble urinating. The bladder stones cause irritation, pain and blockage of the urinary tract.
  • You may notice that your dog licks his genitals more often than usual.

If your dog shows any of the above symptoms you should take him to the vet as soon as possible.

Your vet can make the correct diagnosis and recommend treatment.

It is important that your vet determines the type of stone involved. All stones can be treated and some stones dissolve easily.

Your vet will suggest the most appropriate treatment based on your personal situation.

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