When I was a kid I had found my why.
I spent my childhood immersed in books and creating stories of my own. And above everything, I loved reading, writing and imagining. Which is why I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be like Enid Blyton or write a series like Nancy Drew.
And then I grew up.
I was told a number of things including ‘You’re not smart enough’, ‘you need to get a real job’, and ‘you’re not good enough’. Call them realists, or call them naysayers. Regardless, I listened to them believed.
Coming from a working class family, working hard for money in a job you didn’t necessarily like was the norm. A job was a means to an ends. It was a way to survive. And that’s what you did. When you grew up you got a job that you didn’t overly like. And you survived.
I quickly gave up my dream of being a writer, and suffering from writer’s block and a loss of creativity, I lost my ability to write. Moving into a corporate job, I became corporatised. And slowly but surely my soul died.
Do you ever have that feeling that something is missing from your life?
Or maybe that you were meant for more? Or even just stuck.
If you answered YES to any of these questions you’ve come to the right place.
I found myself right where you are now – quite a few times!
Lost. Depressed. Stressed to the max! Burnt out and totally stuck in a career that was not right for me.
It took the near death experience of my husband, a near mental breakdown, and experiencing my third car accident in a row (the last being in my own drive way), to finally sit up and take notice and to sit down and do some soul-searching.
I created Finding Your Why to help people like me.
To help put them back in touch with who they were before the world told them who they should be. It’s a little workbook full of reflective and insightful exercises, exercises that helped me pull my life back together.
And no, it wasn’t easy as I needed to admit that I had to make some life-changes.
So go on, grab your free Finding Your Why workbook now. You don’t even have to subscribe. That’s right. I’m giving you the workbook because I want to help you.